/  Lifestyle   /  Navigating Relationship Waters: Unveiling the Deal Breakers

In the labyrinth of romantic relationships, navigating the terrain requires a deep understanding of one’s expectations and boundaries. These boundaries, often referred to as ‘deal breakers’, become crucial in the determination of whether a relationship is worth pursuing or continuing. Deal breakers are attributes or behaviors in a partner that one finds unacceptable. These factors tend to be deeply ingrained, varying from person to person, influenced by values, experiences, upbringing, and socio-cultural backgrounds.

In-Depth Look at Common Deal Breakers

While deal breakers differ with each individual, there are some that are generally accepted as common among most people. An in-depth exploration of these will provide a framework for further discussion.

  • Dishonesty: Honesty forms the backbone of any relationship. When a partner engages in dishonest behaviors, such as lying, manipulation or withholding information, it results in a fundamental breach of trust. This can shatter the confidence one person has in the other and can be challenging to rebuild;
  • Unfaithfulness: Infidelity can be deeply damaging. The breach of a monogamous agreement between partners can lead to feelings of betrayal, insecurity, and loss of trust. For many, this is a deal breaker that is difficult to overcome;
  • Incompatibility in Life Goals: When partners envision drastically different futures or cannot align their life goals, this often results in incompatibility. For instance, one partner may dream of globetrotting while the other prefers a settled home life; such disparities can become a deal breaker;
  • Substance Abuse: The consistent misuse of substances, including drugs and alcohol, is a common deal breaker for many people. The erratic and often destructive behavior that accompanies substance abuse can create a volatile and unsafe environment in the relationship;
  • Abuse or Disrespect: Abuse, in any form, be it physical, emotional, psychological, or verbal, is a universal deal breaker. Moreover, subtle forms of disrespect, like belittling, excessive criticism, or public humiliation, can be equally destructive;
  • Poor Hygiene: Good hygiene is indicative of self-respect and respect for others. Therefore, a consistent disregard for personal hygiene often serves as a deal breaker for many people.

Exploring Less Common but Significant Deal Breakers

Apart from the common deal breakers mentioned above, there are several others that are equally significant. A few include:

  • Lack of emotional intelligence: Emotional intelligence, the ability to understand and manage emotions, is crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. A lack of this can lead to frequent misunderstandings and emotional disconnect;
  • Incompatible sexual desires: Sexual compatibility is important in romantic relationships. Vastly differing sexual needs or desires can lead to dissatisfaction and resentment, and for some, this is a deal breaker;
  • Financial irresponsibility: Irresponsible financial habits such as reckless spending, excessive debt, or reluctance to contribute to shared expenses can be a significant deal breaker.
  • Opposing political or religious beliefs: Strong opposing political or religious views can create a divide if the individuals are not tolerant and respectful of the other’s perspective.

Understanding Individual Differences: Gender Perspectives on Deal Breakers

While each individual is unique, some deal breakers tend to be more prevalent amongst certain genders. It’s crucial to remember that these are general observations and may not hold true for everyone.

Table 1: Deal Breakers Commonly Seen in Women

Deal BreakerExplanation
Lack of Emotional OpennessA reluctance to express emotions or share feelings often leads to feelings of disconnect.
Inequality in Relationship RolesA lack of equality, whether it is in decision-making or division of responsibilities, can result in discontent.
Unsupportive PartnerA partner who doesn’t offer support in times of need may be seen as uncaring or selfish.

Table 2: Deal Breakers Commonly Seen in Men

Deal BreakerExplanation
Lack of Personal SpaceOver-dependence or not respecting personal boundaries often leads to feelings of suffocation.
Lack of Physical AttractionPhysical attractiveness often plays a crucial role in romantic relationships for many men.
Controlling BehaviorOverbearing and controlling behaviors can cause frustration and resentment.

Determining Personal Deal Breakers

Identifying personal deal breakers is a key step in ensuring healthy and satisfying relationships. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help:

  • Reflect on Past Relationships: Analyzing past relationships often provides insights into attributes that you find undesirable;
  • Understand Your Values: Your deal breakers often align with your core values. A clash of values often translates into deal breakers;
  • Establish Your Boundaries: Reflect on what behaviors or traits you can tolerate and what you absolutely cannot accept;
  • Enlist Outside Help: Seek the guidance of a trusted friend, family member, or a professional therapist to gain additional perspectives.


Recognizing and understanding relationship deal breakers is a vital aspect of navigating romantic connections. These deal breakers, ranging from dishonesty and unfaithfulness to poor hygiene and differing life goals, play an instrumental role in determining the health and longevity of relationships. While deal breakers vary greatly among individuals, informed by personal experiences and core values, being aware of one’s own non-negotiables is crucial. It allows for open communication and understanding with a partner, fostering a respectful, satisfying, and mutually beneficial relationship. This awareness, combined with respect for a partner’s deal breakers, can pave the way for stronger, more fulfilling romantic relationships.


What are the six deal breakers in a relationship?

The six common deal breakers in a relationship are dishonesty, unfaithfulness, incompatibility in life goals, substance abuse, abuse or disrespect, and poor hygiene.

What are common deal breakers?

Common deal breakers include dishonesty, unfaithfulness, incompatibility in life goals, substance abuse, abuse or disrespect, and poor hygiene. Additionally, other deal breakers like lack of emotional intelligence, incompatible sexual desires, financial irresponsibility, and opposing political or religious beliefs can also play a significant role.

How do you answer what is your deal breaker in a relationship?

When asked about your deal breaker in a relationship, reflect on your values, past experiences, and expectations. Be honest and assertive, making it clear what behaviors or traits you find unacceptable.

What is a deal breaker for a girl?

While it varies individually, commonly observed deal breakers for women include lack of emotional openness, inequality in relationship roles, and having an unsupportive partner. However, it’s important to remember that these are general observations and may not apply to all women.