/  Lifestyle   /  Back and Knee Pain Together: What’s Behind It?
bent man in black shorts holds his knee and stands on the grass


At one time or another, you’ve likely encountered back pain or even dealt with knee discomfort separately. Yet, the unexpected combination of lower back and knee pain can be quite perplexing.

This simultaneous occurrence isn’t uncommon, but many individuals are unaware of the underlying factors responsible for pain in both these critical body areas. Virtual physical therapy sessions offer an avenue for physical therapists to educate you about the root causes of your lower back and knee pain, while also initiating targeted pain management strategies.

Causes of Lower Back and Knee Pain

Pain in both the lower back and knees can be attributed to various factors, and it’s essential to recognize the underlying causes:

Causes of Back and Knee PainDescription
Lower Back IssuesLower back pain is widespread and can be caused by factors like herniated lumbar discs and sciatica, which may also lead to pain radiating down the legs and altered walking patterns contributing to knee discomfort.
Knee-Related ConcernsKnee problems, such as osteoarthritis, can weaken back and core muscles due to reduced physical activity levels, increasing the risk of experiencing painful lower back issues.
Issues Between the Back and KneeSometimes, the source of pain isn’t exclusively in the back or knee but in intermediary regions like the buttocks, hips, or thighs, where strained muscles can alter gait and lead to both knee and lower back discomfort. Muscle imbalances in these areas can also cause similar discomfort.

1. Lower Back Issues

Lower back pain is a widespread concern, impacting about 80% of individuals during their lifetimes. This high prevalence is linked to a diverse array of factors that can instigate back pain. These factors encompass conditions like herniated lumbar discs and sciatica, not only causing lower back pain but also radiating pain down your legs. Moreover, these conditions may induce modifications in your walking patterns, potentially contributing to knee discomfort.

man in gray shorts sitting on the bed with white bedclothes and holding his knee

2. Knee-Related Concerns 

Conversely, knee-related problems have the potential to instigate lower back pain. Take, for instance, osteoarthritis, a commonly encountered knee ailment characterized by the gradual deterioration of knee cartilage with age. Knee osteoarthritis often leads to reduced physical activity levels, resulting in weakened back and core muscles. This muscle weakness, in turn, heightens the risk of experiencing painful lower back issues.

3. Issues Between the Back and Knee 

Sometimes, the source of the problem isn’t exclusively in your back or knee but rather in the intermediary regions – your buttocks, hips, or thighs. A strained muscle in these areas can trigger alterations in your gait, subsequently giving rise to both knee and lower back discomfort. Additionally, muscle imbalances in the buttocks or thighs can also incite similar sensations of unease in both of these regions.

man in a black t-shirt and shorts sitting outside on the stairs and holding his knee



The perplexing combination of lower back and knee pain arises from the intricate relationship between these two critical body areas. Lower back issues, such as herniated discs and sciatica, can alter walking patterns and contribute to knee discomfort. Conversely, knee-related problems, like osteoarthritis, weaken back and core muscles due to reduced physical activity, increasing the risk of lower back pain. Issues in intermediary regions like the buttocks, hips, or thighs can also play a role in this dual pain experience. Virtual physical therapy sessions offer a comprehensive approach to uncovering the root causes and implementing targeted strategies for alleviating both lower back and knee pain, improving the quality of life for those affected.

Target the Root of Back and Knee Pain with Agile Virtual PT

Are you determined to get to the bottom of your back and knee pain? Our team of Agile Virtual PT clinicians is here to assist you in tackling the true source of your discomfort. Through a complimentary virtual screening, we can pinpoint the underlying cause of your pain. Once identified, our licensed clinicians will craft a personalized physical therapy program aimed at alleviating your pain. What’s even better, we’ll equip you with strategies to proactively prevent future issues.

Get in touch with our team today to explore our comprehensive range of services for managing musculoskeletal pain or to schedule your initial virtual appointment. Your journey to pain relief begins here.