It is very important to consider health issues that can arise:
- Physical,
- Mental health,
- Social (e.g., job loss, divorce, homelessness),
- And financial problems (e.g., bankruptcy).
Legal problems can also arise from gambling addictions due to the violation of state gaming laws and federal laws such as the Federal Wire Act of 1961 (18 U.S.C § 1084), which prohibits interstate transmission of information for use in connection with unlawful Internet wagering transactions; and The Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 (31 U.S.C § 5311 – 5330), which requires casinos to report suspicious transactions related to money laundering or scam.
Moreover, the gamesters are less likely to seek treatment for these conditions, which may indicate a need for further evaluation of their gambling problem. Some common health issues or illnesses that can be associated with excessive or compulsive gambling include:
- Stress related disorders
- Depression and anxiety disorders (e.g., post-traumatic stress disorder)
- Sleep disturbances (e.g., insomnia)
- Alcohol and substance abuse
We advise you to seek help if you think you might have such addiction.
- Speak with friends. If you feel that your gambling has become excessive, be honest with them about it, and ask for their support. They may not be able to solve your problems but they can offer advice and encouragement in dealing with them.
- Talk to a professional such as a doctor, gambling experts or therapist. They may be able to refer you to counseling services for people who are concerned about their own or someone else’s gambling behavior. For example, on the POKIEZ Casino website, there’re available live chats or phone numbers that let the casino experts help POKIEZ players. The website contains information on how best to respond if someone close is experiencing issues with gambling.
- Phone one of the helplines.
- Gamblers Anonymous 0800 999 7777 (24/7) – support group whose mission is “to recover our lives one day at a time so that we can enjoy sober fun times without having our honesty tested by gambling.”
Physical & Mental Health Issues
First and foremost, addiction can wreak havoc on both physical and mental health. In fact, it’s been found that many people who gamble compulsively have troubles with anxiety and mood disorders as well. This isn’t surprising considering that the highs and lows associated with gambling are very similar to those experienced by drug addicts or alcoholics. As a result, many compulsive gamblers turn to drugs or alcohol in order to cope with their issues and maintain the thrill they receive from gambling.
In addition to the physical effects of gambling, there’re mental health consequences as well. These include depression, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and even suicide. Many gamblers report feeling depressed or anxious about their situation when they cannot gamble due to financial reasons or because it has become a problem in their lives. The more time spent on gambling instead of other important aspects of life can lead to lack of motivation in other areas including work and personal relationships. This may lead to lack of confidence or self-esteem issues as well as feelings of failure with life goals such as education or career pursuits.
Addiction Consequences
Some gamblers will turn to drugs and alcohol in order to cope with their issues. This can lead to a vicious cycle of addiction, as the gambler’s health troubles make it more difficult for them to stop gambling. In addition, some gamblers may even turn to illegal activities like fraud and theft in order to finance their habit. This can have disastrous consequences such as getting arrested or going broke due to excessive debt payments on credit cards used while gambling.
There’re physical issues associated with compulsive gambling too. Compulsive gamblers may neglect their personal hygiene and grooming, resulting in such conditions as dandruff, oily hair, bad breath, body odor and unhealthy nails. They can also neglect their nutrition, leading to weight loss or gain; poor diet leading to nutritional deficiencies; and a sedentary lifestyle which can cause muscle tone loss. Physical health may be attributed to poor nutrition or lack of exercise due to gambling addiction.
There are a number of health issues that may be attributed to poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, and lack of exercise. These include obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Other common conditions include poor personal hygiene and grooming.
- Obese gamblers
- Diabetic gamblers
- Hypertensive gamblers