Top view image of a girl looking into the distance

Expectations in relationships refer to the beliefs or assumptions that individuals have regarding what they can anticipate from their partners. They are the implicit rules that guide behaviors and actions within a relationship. These expectations are frequently influenced by personal beliefs, past experiences, societal norms, and cultural backgrounds.

Categories of Expectations

When it comes to expectations in relationships, they often fall into two distinct categories:

  • Implicit Expectations: These assumptions are typically unspoken and are believed to be inherently understood by both partners. Implicit expectations are shaped by societal norms, personal beliefs, or past experiences. They may not always be clearly expressed but still influence the dynamics of the relationship;
  • Explicit Expectations: In contrast, explicit expectations are openly communicated and mutually agreed upon within the relationship. They reflect a shared understanding and agreement between partners. Explicit expectations are the result of transparent communication and serve as a foundation for a healthy and harmonious partnership.


As human beings, we are inherently inclined to make predictions. Our brains are constantly engaged in anticipating what will happen next. In the context of relationships, these predictions materialize as expectations, forming an integral part of human interaction.

Expectations operate at both conscious and unconscious levels. Conscious expectations are those we are aware of and can express, such as expecting our partner to remember our birthday. On the other hand, unconscious expectations are those that we may not be fully aware of, like expecting our partner to provide the same comforting presence we received from a parent during childhood.

The field of psychology sheds light on the impact of expectations on our relationship satisfaction. It suggests that the alignment between our expectations and reality greatly influences our level of contentment. When our expectations are met or surpassed, we experience a sense of satisfaction. Conversely, when our expectations are unfulfilled, we may feel disappointment, which can lead to conflicts or dissatisfaction within the relationship.


One of the initial steps in managing expectations is understanding and identifying what they are. Here’s a strategy to help:

  • Self-reflection: Allocate peaceful moments to explore your desires and expectations from your partner and the relationship. Take the time to jot down all your expectations, even the ones that may appear insignificant. Reflecting on past relationships can also provide valuable insights into any concealed expectations;
  • Categorize: Categorize your expectations into two groups: “needs” and “wants.” Needs encompass fundamental aspects such as trust and respect, which are essential for a healthy relationship. Wants, on the other hand, may include preferences like sharing similar hobbies or interests;
  • Prioritize: Not all expectations hold equal significance. Identifying the expectations that carry the most weight for you will assist in negotiating with your partner at a later stage;
  • Reality-check: Assess your expectations for their realism. Are they attainable and reasonable? Do they treat your partner fairly?

Why We Should Expect Less Of Love


Clear communication is an essential aspect of managing expectations. It involves expressing your expectations honestly, listening to your partner’s expectations, and negotiating any differences. Follow these steps:

  1. Choosing the right moment: This should be a time when both of you are relaxed, open, and willing to communicate;
  2. Using ‘I’ statements: Express your expectations by starting with ‘I.’ For example, “I feel valued when you remember special occasions”;
  3. Listening actively: When your partner shares their expectations, listen with the intent to understand. This means avoiding interruptions and reflecting back on what you’ve heard to ensure understanding;
  4. Showing empathy: Recognize and validate your partner’s feelings and expectations, even if they differ from yours.


Once you and your partner have openly communicated your expectations, negotiation comes into play. Relationships are about give-and-take. It’s important to find a balance that satisfies both parties without compromising anyone’s core values.

1. Understand: Fully comprehend your partner’s perspective and needs;

2. Discuss: Talk about each expectation and its importance;

3. Compromise: Find a middle ground where both parties’ needs are met;

4. Agree: Formulate a mutual agreement based on the compromise.


girl and guy sitting opposite each other

Continual Review of Expectations is an integral aspect of maintaining any relationship, be it personal or professional. As people evolve, so do their needs and desires, creating a shift in expectations over time. Therefore, it becomes vital to revisit and reassess these changing expectations periodically to keep the relationship dynamic and thriving. This process requires ongoing, transparent communication about how each party’s expectations are transforming.

To break it down, here are some key steps to conduct this continual review:

  • Self-reflection: Each individual should routinely introspect their expectations and how they might have changed due to personal growth or changing circumstances;
  • Open dialogue: Regular conversations should be held to discuss these evolving expectations;
  • Mutual agreement: Revisions to expectations should be agreed upon mutually to ensure that both parties are comfortable with the new terms.

Moreover, it’s important to note that this process should not be a one-time activity but rather an ongoing conversation, adapting to the ever-changing dynamics of a relationship. 

Therefore, it is critical to establish a safe and open space where both parties feel comfortable expressing their expectations, fears, and desires. By doing this, relationships can continue to grow, adapt and thrive in the face of change. The continual review of expectations is not just about meeting each other’s needs, but also about understanding and respecting each other’s personal evolution.


The journey of navigating expectations in a relationship is a critical aspect of forging a strong, fulfilling partnership. It involves recognizing and understanding your expectations, articulating them clearly, and ensuring they are realistic and respectful of your partner’s abilities and individuality. Equally important is the need for active listening, empathy, and willingness to negotiate and compromise when differences arise. Ultimately, cultivating a habit of continual communication and adaptation to evolving expectations fosters a thriving relationship built on mutual respect, understanding, and satisfaction.



If you believe your partner’s expectations are unrealistic, it’s important to communicate your feelings openly and honestly. Encourage a discussion about why these expectations exist and propose alternative, more reasonable expectations.


It’s not always about lowering expectations, but more about ensuring they’re realistic. This involves introspection, understanding your partner’s abilities and limitations, and adjusting your expectations accordingly.


Unspoken expectations can lead to misunderstanding and resentment because the other party is unaware of what’s expected of them. Therefore, it’s crucial to communicate expectations clearly.