/  Lifestyle   /  WNL: A Must-Have in Virtual Physical Therapy Sessions
man training with a gym ball and watching on the laptop on the table in front of him

 Have you ever visited your scheduled physical therapy sessions and overheard your therapist using the medical abbreviation “WNL”?

“WNL” is a shorthand for a medical term that signifies “within normal limits.” It’s something you’d ideally want your virtual physical therapists to incorporate into your sessions. Various healthcare professionals employ this abbreviation to convey the status of a specific body part, commonly documented in medical notes and records.

Virtual physical therapists are likely to utilize this medical abbreviation, just like their counterparts in traditional settings. The virtual medium doesn’t diminish their ability to conduct a thorough assessment of your physical condition professionally. To delve into how virtual physical therapists employ the medical abbreviation “WNL” during health assessments, read below.

Decoding ‘WNL’: Understanding Your Virtual PT Sessions

  • Assessing Your Physical Health During Virtual Physical Therapy Sessions: When evaluating a facet of your physical well-being to determine if it falls within normal parameters, it’s essential to consider its functional capacity as observed by your healthcare provider. In the context of virtual physical therapy sessions, your physical therapist may instruct you to perform various movements, which can be conveniently monitored through your video camera. Your therapist will dedicate time to scrutinizing your physical performance, encompassing the fluidity of your joint, ligament, and muscle movements. Following these assessments, they will craft a personalized treatment plan tailored to the performance of each specific body part. Ideally, sections of your body functioning optimally will be designated by your healthcare provider as “Within Normal Limits” (WNL). The overarching objective of these sessions is to enhance your physical health until it can confidently be characterized as operating “within normal limits.”;
  • Identifying Physical Health Deviations: When a virtual physical therapist recognizes that a particular aspect of your physical health does not align with the WNL standard, it signifies that it deviates from the established benchmarks for optimal functionality. This deviation could indicate an injury, a point of vulnerability, or an area with restricted mobility, among other possibilities. Such irregularities demand attention and intervention through treatment provided by your virtual physical therapist.
woman in a blue t-shirt and red leggings flexing her bicep while making video call over a laptop at home

Therapist’s Perspective: What’s Ideal as ‘WNL’?

Aspect of Physical HealthImportanceDescription
Joint FlexibilityVital for Comfortable MovementAdequate joint flexibility is crucial for comfortable joint movements, including wrists, knees, elbows, back, hips, and more.
Range of MotionEssential for Basic MovementsA good range of motion is necessary for performing fundamental actions such as turning your head, walking upstairs, or lifting your arm without pain or stiffness.
Muscle StrengthAssessment with WNL Abbreviation PossibleYour therapist will evaluate your muscle strength, and if it meets the expected standard, they may use the medical abbreviation WNL to denote your status.

In the realm of virtual physical therapy, several vital aspects of your body’s functionality warrant evaluation to ensure they align with established norms. These assessments play a pivotal role in your overall well-being and physical comfort. Here are three fundamental factors:

  • Joint Flexibility: Joint flexibility is a pivotal component to monitor. It encompasses the capacity to execute a wide range of comfortable movements, including but not limited to bending wrists, knees, elbows, back, hips, and more. It serves as a foundational element in maintaining ease of motion throughout the body;
  • Range of Motion: Another critical metric is the range of motion. An optimal range of motion is imperative for executing everyday movements with ease, such as turning your head, ascending stairs, or lifting your arm, all without experiencing discomfort or stiffness;
  • Muscle Strength: Your virtual physical therapist will thoroughly assess your muscle strength. It’s essential for various activities and functional abilities. If your muscle strength aligns with established standards, your therapist may use the medical abbreviation WNL (Within Normal Limits) to indicate that your muscular condition is in an optimal state.

Ensuring that these aspects remain within normal limits contributes significantly to your overall physical well-being and the ability to carry out daily tasks with comfort and ease.

Attaining WNL Status with Virtual Physical Therapy

woman and man sitting on the white fluffy floor and holding each other's hands while watching on the laptop on the table

Virtual physical therapy is a dynamic avenue for achieving “Within Normal Limits” (WNL) status in various aspects of your physical well-being. Through tailored remote sessions, you can embark on a journey towards improved vitality, with key areas of focus:

  • Enhancing Joint Flexibility: One paramount aspect that virtual physical therapy addresses is joint flexibility. Maintaining optimal joint flexibility is pivotal for executing comfortable movements, enabling you to bend your wrists, knees, elbows, back, hips, and more with ease. Your virtual physical therapist will guide you in nurturing this essential facet of physical health;
  • Improving Range of Motion: Virtual physical therapy extends its benefits to enhancing your range of motion. If you find yourself struggling to move specific body parts as you should, virtual therapy can be instrumental in overcoming these challenges. Whether it’s turning your head, ascending stairs, or lifting your limbs, virtual therapy can help you regain your freedom of movement;
  • Building Muscle Strength: Remote virtual physical therapists are adept at assisting you in strengthening your muscles. They will remotely guide you through targeted exercises and weight-training routines, fostering muscle development and progression toward the coveted “within normal limits” status. Whether you’re recovering from an injury or simply aiming to boost your physical prowess, virtual therapy can cater to your unique needs.

Embrace the convenience and efficacy of virtual physical therapy to optimize your physical well-being and journey towards WNL health status.


In the world of virtual physical therapy, understanding the significance of “WNL” (Within Normal Limits) is essential. It represents the standard by which we gauge various aspects of physical health, including joint flexibility, range of motion, and muscle strength. Your virtual physical therapist utilizes this abbreviation to assess your physical condition and tailor treatment plans that aim to bring your body back to its optimal state. Through virtual physical therapy sessions, you can work towards achieving “WNL” status, enhancing joint flexibility, improving range of motion, and building muscle strength. Embrace the convenience and effectiveness of virtual therapy to optimize your physical well-being, regain your freedom of movement, and embark on a journey toward better health.

Discover the Benefits of Agile Virtual Physical Therapy

Are you wondering why Agile Virtual Physical Therapy is the right choice for you? Our platform boasts a team of over 400 licensed clinicians dedicated to delivering effective physical therapy care through telehealth services. We extend our reach across 45 U.S. states and provide complimentary virtual screenings. To delve deeper into our extensive partnerships, continue reading here.

What sets Agile Virtual Physical Therapy apart is our team of seasoned professionals, all equipped to craft a personalized plan tailored to your needs. This plan includes at-home physical therapy exercises that are specially designed to suit your age and fitness level.

Ready to embark on your journey towards better health? Contact our team today for additional information or to schedule your initial appointment.